R4E project meeting. TALLINN

R4E Project meeting. TALLINN. 14th december, 2016.
Following the plan for the R4E project, next official project meeting will be held in Tallinn next 14th december, 2016. The steering committee meeting will take place in the same date as the dissemination event called “Vision conference. Smart Tallinn in 2050” already announced, although in the afternoon so that all R4E partners can attend the dissemination event. This R4E project meeting will be a great opportunity to check the progress of the project, review all the actions that have been done since the last meeting and share debate all the communication and dissemination actions performed in this last period. As one of the most importantn points in this meeting agenda, partners will also be informed about about next steps within the workpackages 3,4 and 5 referred to the roadmapping methodology.
The Tallinn Municipality will make use of this opportunity to offer the rest of the partners a study visit on Smart Mobility and Smart Buildings topics in the city. That way, all partners will visit the Traffic Control Centre of Tallinn and also a deeply renovated apartment house with the lastest technologies in metering energy and ICT’s.
Traffic Control Centre of Tallinn
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