Dissemination event of R4E in Tallinn, 14th december, 2016

Posted 7 December By RoadMaps for energyIn Events, News0 comments

Dissemination event of R4E in Tallinn, 14th december, 2016.

Next 14th december, 2016 will take place in Tallinn the next dissemination event of the project. The event is being organized to be of interest to many different local and international actors involved to the Smart Building and Smart Mobility focus areas. The event will consists of a Conference where different responsibles of the Municipality of Tallinn will explain which steps are going to be taken in order to start making progresses on the fields of Smart Buildings and Smart Mobility in accordance to what has been agreed within the R4E project. Besides, very interesting information regarding the background of Tallinn about these topics,  and the current context of the city will also be detailed.

Specific information of the Convenant of Mayors and the SUMP, the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of Tallinn, will be shown and discussed due to their close linkeage with the actions and projects that will be triggered by the R4E.  One of the key aspects of the R4E project is its innovative approach, that has taken into account the importance of the participation and involvement of local stakeholders to identify the needs that must be covered in our cities and the solutions and technology to use, on that ground, the Municipality of Tallinn has invited a large amount of relevant stakeholders to enrich the event, create synergies and stablish new collaborative relationships.

The Deputy Mayor Arvo Sarapuu and the Vice-Chairman for City Council Lauri Laats will be in charge of the openning of the event. The introduction of the project will be done by Triin Sakermaa and in the Smart Buildings session will participate: Villu Pella, from the Tallinn Energy Agency, Andres Jaadla, ambassador of the Covenant of Mayors, Mikk Maivel from State Real Estate Ltd. With respecto to Smart mobility session, Jaagup Ainsalu from the Tallinn Transport Department, Jaak Aadam Looveer from the Tallinn City Planning Department and finally Pille Arjakas that will moderate the debate after the presentations. The agenda is shown below:

vision-conference-tallinn-r4eYou can click here to get the link in Estonian.

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