R4E – Related and Linked Projects – Introducing the “MultEE Project”.

Posted 3 July By RoadMaps for energyIn News, Related and Linked projects0 comments

R4E – Related and Linked Projects – Introducing the “MultEE Project”.

As part of our commitment to creating a learning community and disseminating the actions and outcomes of the Roadmaps for Energy (R4E) Project, we are connecting with other EU funded projects, cooperating, sharing information and practises. Which is why we will dedicate a few of our posts to introducing these projects.


The MultEE Project

MultEE is a Horizon 2020 project that aims to improve the consistency and quality of energy efficiency policy planning and implementation through innovative monitoring and verification schemes as well as through improved coordination between different administrative levels.

Public authorities on all levels play a key role in multee1implementing effective energy efficiency measures. However, energy efficiency plans on the municipal and national level are often not sufficiently harmonised and pursue divergent goals. multEE develops adapted M&V tools and coordination concepts and provides targeted capacity-building measures, enabling public officials to make the most out of these tools.

The innovative M&V system developed through multEE empowers communities and regional actors to enter data on their energy efficiency measures themselves, streamlining the process and freeing up capacities for other activities. Capacity-building for M&V needs will be provided by the project.


In order to reach the multEE goal, two sub-goals will have to be achieved:

Introducing innovative monitoring and verification (M&V) schemes. These schemes are based on bottom-up data to ensure that the impact of energy efficiency measures is correctly evaluated and useable for future energy efficiency planning.multee2

Improving vertical coordination between administrative levels. The objective here is to exploit the full potential of the integrated M&V schemes developed in multEE and improve the overall quality of energy efficiency planning

A step-by-step approach is adopted to reach both goals. First of all, European best practices will be mapped and analysed. Then, a best practice case model will be developed and adapted to the specific needs of each partner country. At the same time, the necessary capacities will be built, considering the transferability of results to all interested countries.



An innovative M&V scheme is currently being implemented and tested in two of the project’s partner countries (Croatia and Macedonia). During the implementation, CO2 emissions, energy consumption and costs will all be monitored simultaneously across administrative levels. The scheme allows for the integrated monitoring of national energy efficiency action plans (NEEAP) and all types of local and regional plans simultaneously.multee3

Afterwards, multEE proposes to adapt and calibrate such a scheme for implementation in partner countries, taking into consideration existing solutions and providing capacity building within the countries the countries.

Even though the measures proposed by multEE specifically apply to energy efficiency planning, they will also benefit other policy areas. It is foreseen that innovative data collection and evaluation tools as well as improved coordination mechanisms, will make a substantial contribution to all domains of sustainable energy and climate policy planning.


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